
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

Un Católico en el Cine: Películas recientes de Acción

para ver las clasificaciones de estas películas según Catholic News Service (CNS). 
Una de ellas es moralmente ofensiva a nuestra fe, ¿sabes cuál es?

Battleship: Batalla Naval
El Código del Miedo
Misión Imposible: Protocolo Fantasma
Los Vengadores

¡Todo por amor a Cristo y a su Iglesia!

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Xhonane, I thought Beatriz's idea of blogging about you was such a good idea, that I did too! Hope you don't mind!

  2. Hi Xhonane!! I saw Noreen's post about you!! That is so awesome! You are well deserving of such an honor!

    1. Thank you dear Jennifer! But I am not sure about that, I actually felt that I didn't deserve such honor. I was very nervous and I forgot a lot of things I wanted to say...

    2. I think it's a normal homeschool mom complex. We always think we are lacking something! I know I do that! And I always forget what I was planning to saying in moments like that, too! I'm sure you did fine I'm sure the Holy Spirit was helping you. God Bless.

  3. Gracias querida Mento, ahora mismo voy a tu blog!!
